Member Agreement
Bine ati venit pe site-ul Swiss Capital SA. Inainte de a putea descarca Prospectul Preliminar al Ofertei Publice Secundare de Vanzare a actiunilor CNTEE Transelectrica, este necesar sa acceptati termenii si conditiile urmatoare:
Welcome to the website of Swiss Capital SA. Before downloading the Preliminary Prospectus for the SPO of Transelectrica, you must agree to the following Terms and Conditions:
Terms of Use
Inainte de a continua accesarea urmatoarelor pagini de pe website, trebuie sa cititi si sa luati la cunostinta continutul acestei note.
Paginile urmatoare de pe website includ versiunea electronica a Prospectului Preliminar al Companiei Nationale de Transport al Energiei Electrice Transelectrica S.A („Transelectrica S.A.”) aprobat de Comisia Nationala a Valorilor Mobiliare (” Prospectul Preliminar”).
Va sfatuim sa cititi cu atentie aceasta nota inainte de a accesa sau de a utiliza in orice mod Prospectul Preliminar.
Pentru a accesa Prospectul Preliminar, confirmati ca ati inteles si ati luat la cunostinta faptul ca nimic in acesta comunicare electronica nu constituie o oferta de vanzare sau o solicitare de a cumpara actiuni ale Transelectrica S.A. in Statele Unite ale Americii sau in alte jurisdictii unde legea nu permite sa se vanda sau sa se solicite achizitionarea acestor valori mobiliare.
Prospectul Preliminar va este pus la dispozitie doar daca confirmati ca aveti dreptul sa il accesati in conformitate cu legea aplicabila si daca declarati prin prezenta ca nu sunteti o persoana din Statele Unite ale Americii, Australia, Canada, Japonia sau dintr-o jurisdictie in care nu este legala oferirea sau solicitarea de a vinde aceste actiuni.
Va reamintim ca Prospectul Preliminar este pus la dispozitia dumneavoastra in baza faptului ca sunteti o persoana catre care Prospectul Preliminar poate fi distribuit in mod legal in conformitate cu legile jurisdictiei in care domiciliati si ca ati luat la cunostinta faptul ca acesta este un Prospect Preliminar si ca oferta publica secundara de actiuni ale Transelectrica S.A. nu se adreseaza si nu va fi oferita public in afara teritoriului Romaniei, informatia continuta pe website fiind destinata publicului din Romania.
In particular, atragem atentia ca nu va fi facuta o oferta publica de actiuni ale Transelectrica S.A. in nicio tara a UE sau SEE (alta decat Romania) si nici intr-o tara terta UE sau SEE, inclusiv Statele Unite ale Americii, Australia, Canada sau Japonia sau catre persoane rezidente sau localizate in aceste tari.
Luand in considerare faptul ca nu e luata nicio masura pentru derularea unei oferte publice de actiuni ale Transelectrica SA in nicio tara, exceptand Romania, daca sunteti din afara Romaniei trebuie sa va asigurati ca aveti dreptul sa accesati Prospectul Preliminar, pentru ca sunteti un investitor calificat in intelesul Directivei Prospectului 2003/71/EC si pentru ca vi se permite de catre legislatia aplicabila in tara dumneavoastra.
Orice decizie de investitie cu privire la actiunile Transelectrica S.A. va trebui luata doar in baza prospectului final aprobat si publicat in conformitate cu legislatia privind piata de capital din Romania.
Nici Emitentul, nici Ofertantul si niciunul dintre Membrii Sindicatului de Intermediere nu accepta raspunderea in legatura cu reproducerea sau distribuirea acestei versiuni electronice catre orice persoana neautorizata in afara Romaniei.
Pentru a accesa paginile urmatoare de website, va rugam sa confirmati ca urmatoarele declaratii va sunt aplicabile:
(1) Am citit si inteles nota de mai sus si accept conditiile sale;
(2) Nu sunt o persoana careia sa i se aplice restrictiile de mai sus.
In cazul in care nu puteti da aceasta confirmare, trebuie sa apasati optiunea marcata „NU CONFIRM”.
Selectand optiunea „CONFIRM” de mai jos, se va considera ca va sunt aplicabile cerintele privind accesul la Prospectul Preliminar de mai sus.
Investitorii sunt sfatuiti sa isi intemeieze orice decizie in legatura cu oferta publica secundara de actiuni ale Transelectrica S.A. pe continutul integral al Prospectului final aprobat de Comisia Nationala a Valorilor Mobiliare.
Acest Prospect Preliminar va este pus la dispozitie in forma electronica.
Va reamintim ca documentele transmise prin aceasta modalitate pot suferi modificari.
You must read and acknowledge this notice before accessing the following pages of our website.
The following pages of the website include the electronic version of the Preliminary Prospectus of the Romanian Power Grid Company Transelectrica S.A (“Transelectrica S.A.”) approved by the Romanian National Securities Commission (the” Preliminary Prospectus”).
You are advised to read this notice carefully before accessing or making any other use of the Preliminary Prospectus.
In accessing the Preliminary Prospectus, you understand and acknowledge that nothing in this electronic transmission constitutes an offer to sale or a solicitation to buy any securities of Transelectrica S.A. in the United States of America or in any other jurisdiction where it is unlawful to sell or solicit acquisition of securities.
The Preliminary Prospectus is made available only if you confirm that you are permitted to have access to it in accordance with the applicable law and if you hereby represent to us that you are not a person from the United States of America, Australia, Canada and Japan, nor a person from any other jurisdiction to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation.
You are reminded that the Preliminary Prospectus has been delivered to you on the basis that you are a person into whose possession the Preliminary Prospectus may be lawfully delivered in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which you are located and that you have acknowledged the fact that this is a Preliminary Prospectus and that the secondary public offering of the shares in Transelectrica S.A. shall not be addressed and distributed outside Romania to the public, the information contained in the following website being solely intended for the public in Romania.
In particular, there will be no public offering of the shares in Transelectrica S.A. in any EU or EEA country (other than Romania) or in any non-EU or EEA country including in the United States of America, Australia, Canada or Japan or to any residents or persons who are physically located in these countries.
Considering the fact that no measure has been taken in order to carry out a public offering of the shares in Transelectrica SA in any other country, except Romania, if you are from outside Romania you must ensure that you are entitled to have access to the Preliminary Prospectus, because you are a qualified investor in the meaning of the Prospectus Directive 2003/71/EC and because you are permitted by the laws applicable in your country.
Any investment decision with respect to the shares of Transelectrica S.A. must be made only on the basis of the final prospectus approved and published in accordance with the Romanian securities law.
None of the Issuer, the Offeror or the Syndicate Members accepts any liability and responsibility in respect of the reproduction or distribution of this electronic version to any un-authorized persons outside Romania.
To visit the following pages of the website, please confirm that all the following statements apply to your person:
(1) I have read and understood the above legend and accept its terms,
(2) I am not a person to whom the above restrictions apply.
If you cannot make this confirmation, you must press the button marked “I DO NOT CONFIRM”.
By clicking on the “I CONFIRM” button below, you will be deemed to be bound by the above terms and conditions regarding the access to the Preliminary Prospectus.
Investors should refer only to the information to be published in a final prospectus approved by the Romanian National Securities Commission in relation to the secondary public offering of the shares in Transelectrica S.A.
This Preliminary Prospectus is made available to you in electronic form.
You are reminded that documents transmitted via this medium may be altered or changed.
Privacy Policy
Swiss Capital SA owns and operates this website. We are committed to the privacy and security of our visitors’ information. The following is a statement of our privacy practices:
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Information Use
Account Information
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- Swiss Capital SA only shares personal information to billing companies for completing transactions and for no other purpose. No other information is shared with any other third-party company for any purpose, under any circumstance.
- Swiss Capital SA makes every effort to preserve your privacy, personal information may be disclosed when required by law where we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or legal process.
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This Web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we, Swiss Capital SA, are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our visitors to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this Web site.
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If visitors have any questions about the security on, feel free to contact Customer Service.
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If a visitor’s personally identifiable information changes (such as zip code, phone, email or postal address), or if a visitor no longer desires our service, we provide a way to correct, update or delete/deactivate personally identifiable information. This can usually be done at the ‘Your Account’ page or by contacting our Customer Service.
Notification of Changes
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, and other places we deem appropriate so our visitors are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.
If, however, we are going to use visitors’ personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection we will notify users by posting a notice on our web site for 30 days.
The Agreement
By clicking „I agree” you are indicating that you have read and agree to the above Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Prin click pe ‘I agree’, indicati ca sunteti de acord cu conditiile descrise in aceasta pagina.